/* Google analytics tracker */ John the Revelator: 09/01/2011 - 10/01/2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

US karaoke listings

I stumbled across a useful site today. This site lists karaoke venues all across the US: http://www.karaokeacrossamerica.com/

The site is attractive and quite user friendly. You give it a location (City and State) and you get a map and a listing of karaoke within a given radius.

I applaud the efforts of Steve Hess to help everyone find their karaoke fix.

If you like the site, it is time to get busy. Currently, there are (I think) about 1200 listings in his database. But, he only shows 2 of the 199 listings that I have on my website. Enter your favorite gigs. Many hands make light work.