/* Google analytics tracker */ John the Revelator: Subway karaoke contest

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Subway karaoke contest

I debated about whether to write a post about Subway's karaoke contest. My first thought was that the contest is purely and obviously commercial. I mean... you have to sing their lyrics about about their new sandwich to "Sweet Home Alabama". Ok, I love that song, so I poked further.

The first prize is  £1000 (€1,500 in ROI in Ireland). I'm not even sure what that means. Pounds (I think) and euros, but ROI?  I dunno. I could look it up, but the contests is only open to residents of England or Ireland. Ok... I know some folks in Ireland.. I am related to some folks in England. Like King Henry VIII. Not a close relative, mind you. Through marriage.

Is it worth writing a post, though, that only applies to the 14 British and one Irish viewer I had in the past month?

Then I saw the video. Yes, this is worth posting. Good luck to you, unnamed Tubway goddess! I love your mic.

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