/* Google analytics tracker */ John the Revelator: Gig at Bootleggers

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Gig at Bootleggers

Monday afternoon I got an email. The regular karaoke DJ at Bootleggers had broken his ankle, and they needed a karaoke DJ to fill in. That night.

I will be honest. Doing a regular gig in a bar was not part of my original business plan. I didn't relish the idea of dealing with cigarette smoke. I didn't relish the idea of packing up heavy gear at 2:00 AM. And, to continue being honest, I have been in some seedy hole-in-the-wall bars looking for that ultimate karaoke experience. I didn't relish the idea of hosting karaoke to twelve drunk guys and a dog.

But, they said that I could use their sound system. I wouldn't have to schelp around my amp and a bunch of heavy speakers. But still I worried that maybe their amp was ... well ... something not all that spectacular.

So, it was with some trepidation that I agreed to help them out this last Monday night.

I could not have been more wrong. I was totally way wronger. First, the place is huge, brand new, and just has a good feel to it. With the ventilation and high ceiling, I did not notice smoke. The "little Monday night crowd" was a few more than 12. Last Monday night, there were 300 people. I could not believe it. A Monday night?!?!

Did I say I had some concerns ahead of time that their sound system would be lousy?!?? OMG. I was wrong on that as well. I have never had that much horsepower at my fingertips. The space shuttle astronauts never had that much horsepower. What I thought was the stage was actually the box for one of the subwoofers.

The patrons were another pleasant surprise. All upscale, good attitudes, positive vibes. They were there to have fun. And, get this, most of them could sing! I had a blast.

I came home and bought 25 CDs of pop hits.

I am now the regular Monday night karaoke DJ at Bootleggers Bar and Grill, 1025 N. Old World Third Street, Milwaukee!!

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