/* Google analytics tracker */ John the Revelator: In the shark cage

Saturday, February 27, 2010

In the shark cage

We spent a night at Grootbos which is on the coast and at the southern tip of South Africa. This is where the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans meet.
Here is the lot of us at dinner... Gary the Elvis fan, Kurt the Elvis Wannabe, Christof the Dashingly Handsome Guy, Mike the Stoic Marathoner, and Me, the guy who can't seem to wear anything that's not tie dyed. Throw back to the 70's? Aging hippie?
The accommodations for the night were fabulous.
As soon as I saw the two sinks, it made me miss my wife. And there were two bathrobes.... did they miss the memo that said my wife was gonna be 8,541 miles away?!?!? The bathtub has a view of the ocean. Wow.
And speaking of ocean ...

This is what tourists look like before getting fed to the sharks. Note the packer jersey. Kurt figgers the whole Brett Farve thing would have left a bad taste in the shark's mouth ... so the shark will leave him alone?

The captain and first mate. The Jack Daniels hat certainly gave me a feeling of security.

Luckily, they didn't need to do any emergency steering. This sign made me want to cross my arms across my chest.

Christof and Gary discuss how to divvy up the Elvis memorabilia when the shark realizes that Kurt never was with the Packers.

Mates... happy until the very end.

I just can't miss an opportunity for a pic of a sea gull.
This is what cage diving is all about.
This tuna head was put on a rope and thrown in the water to lure the sharks past the cage.
Here is a great white shark.

Another shot of a shark from the boat.
The view from inside the cage.

Christof likes it.


Wendi said...

So, did you go in the cage?

John Seymour said...

Yup... I went in the cage. To be honest, I got a better look at the sharks from the boat. The water was pretty murky so you couldn't see more than a yard.